1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Traveling Scholar


Deliver Warpriest Lu'kan's message to Scholar Hatton in Muck Trader.


    Scholar Hatton in Muck Trader has been studying the strange crystals that have recently shown up around Asheran Forest. He asked me to deliver his research to Asheran. If you find yourself in Muck Trader, let him know that I've been held up here, but I will not let him down.
    Scholar Hatton is a bit mad, but he knows a great deal about this region and the peoples here.
    What? Who are you? What do you want? Which Warpriest sent you? They all look the same to me.


    • None


    Quest Facts

    - Level: 13
    - Requires level 13
    - Side: Asharr
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes