1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Worship of Power


Investigate the tribal camps that live in the swamp.


Salutations Exemplar and may I say what an honor it is to finally meet you. Your heroics have saved countless lives here on Aeon and I feel that Ouroban Himself would even be proud of your accomplishments. Out here in the swamps of the Ar'azi, we struggle to survive against the natural and supernatural creatures that encroach upon our position, all the while our enemies try to pass through here and reach our capital. One thing we need help with at the moment, is dealing with the various tribes that live in the swamp, and try to bring them into our circle. Go out into the marsh and see with your own eyes the people and creatures that create our environment. Once that is done, return to me and we shall begin.
Seeing is believing.
Now that you have seen what we're up against, let us start to do something about it.



  • 48960 experience
  • 10 50
Quest Facts

- Level: 30
- Requires level 30
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Worship of Power
  2. The Ogran Belief
  3. Sprogs and their Gods
  4. Philosophy Like Gnoll One Else
  5. Crushing the Faithless